100 Days for Creativity

A recent headline in a Detroit paper read, “Change your outlook with the 100 Days Project.” Given how hard it can be to maintain a positive outlook while deluged with information from the news, social media, etc., I had to read on. The 100 Day Project, I learned,  is a global art project that takes place entirely online, with participants in all media and at all skill levels (that was important to me!) Key directions for choosing your project read:

Pick something you want to do every day for the 100 days of the project. You’ll post each instance of 100 on your Instagram account with the hashtag #The100DayProject. What can you do? Anything at all! Paint, draw, dance, knit, doodle, sing, brush your teeth.

The FAQ indicate that the intent is to choose something you can do for 5-10 minutes each day. Once your project is selected, try to do the thing you choose for 100 days and share your efforts on social media. The 100 Day Project has a home on Instagram but also has a Facebook group and encourages sharing via whatever media you choose. The project has yearly start dates but makes it clear that any day is a good day to start. I love the flexible realism of the FAQ. Take this question.

Is it okay to change my project once I start?

Anything is okay, it’s your project. The rules are made up. Here’s the deal: sometimes it’s worthwhile to work through something. Sometimes it’s better to cut your losses and walk away. What’s right for you right now? Only you can know.

Indeed. The 100 Day project could be a wonderful creative outlet/stress reliever for educators, as long as you don’t set it up rigidly and stress about it. I’m sure the organizers would say, “Don’t do that.” You aren’t trying to do 100 things, just to do something you choose for a few minutes each day for 100 days. And if you miss a day, just pick up again the next day. It’s a creative stretch, not yet another goal to document! The 100 Day Project also could be an interesting challenge to set for students, either for 100 days, or perhaps a shorter period for younger students. Do something, anything, creative for X days in a row and document your efforts. I’d love to see what emerges from that challenge. How about you?

If you’d like to participate in the official 100 Day Project, take a look at the website linked above. Explore the hashtag #The100DayProject. Since the last 100 days seems to have been in winter 2022, I’m guessing a new one will begin in early 2023. But why wait that long? You can choose your task, your creativity, and your timing. I’m thinking it might be time for me to get back to more consistent mosaic making. Or music making. Or story writing. So many choices! Let’s see where I land.

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