Problem Finding

CuriousProblem finding is not on the list of typical creative thinking strategies. But I include it here because I wonder if it should be. For me, the notion of “problem finding,” the strategies used to select creative problems and projects, is one of the most fascinating topics in the study of creativity. How did Picasso decide what to paint? Why did Marie Curie study radium?

I have been a teacher long enough that my questions always come back to “Could we help people learn to do this—or learn to do it better? If I helped students think about their own problem finding, would they find better problems?” There is no clear answer, but the question is important enough to explore. Reading the writings of creative individuals has led me to identify several themes in their search for creative endeavors: exploring with interest, playing and wondering, and capturing questions. My experiences sharing these ideas with children have been positive enough to encourage me. Consider how we might plan lessons helping students experience each one.

Exploring with interest entails approaching the world with curiosity (so important in a world when cynicism seems the attitude-of-the-day). It is telling that it is easy to find pictures of young children purporting to illustrate “curiosity.” It is much more difficult to find such pictures of older students–which is why I chose the photo of curious Chloe above. Exploring with interest is important for all ages (and species!)

Students can be taught the value of curiosity through our examples, and the environments we create in our classrooms. They can explore the paths of a nature trail or a collection of graphic novels. They can be intrigued by the strange new object on the table. Whatever the topic, students need opportunities to observe, think, and wonder. While it might seem obvious that curiosity is a good thing, consider how many students go through their school days thinking “I learn what the teacher tells me to learn when the teacher tells me to learn it.” Is it likely such students believe their teachers value curiosity? Consider teaching lessons or reading books about how creative individuals’ interests led them to explore. For example, The Humblebee Hunter tells the story of how Darwin’s curiosity about bees led to chasing flour-tagged bees across the yard! While the story is fictionalized, the curiosity is real.

Playing and wondering. Creative individuals do not just explore; they play. They enjoy the chance to think about things just for the joy of it. I am not sure that we can teach playfulness, but we can model and support it. Teachers who approach their subject with the attitude “This is so interesting. I just can’t wait to show you” have the beginnings of playfulness. Playfulness entails thinking about things just for fun and sharing those thoughts with students. It is not the same as silliness. It is approaching a subject not as content to be covered, but as a part of the world worthy of exploration. Playfulness is full of “what if” questions.

The “wondering” part of this theme is easier to teach. Students can be taught that to ask questions is as important as to answer them. They can be taught the difference between a question asked to clarify a misunderstanding in class and a questions that constitutes “wondering.” Consider lessons around questioning and problem finding as they exist in various disciplines. Students can be taught about the difference between “comparison questions” and “what if questions” in science. They can be taught the ways historians raise questions from artifacts, or the types of questions and observations that can lead an author to a story idea. You might even consider lessons about questioning more generally—for example, you might discuss the kinds of questions that would be useful in different occupations, or discover how many questions you can ask about a pencil.

childrecordinginnotebookCapturing questions. Finally, creative individuals pay attention to their wonderings. They capture their ideas and build on them. This is essence of the theme “capturing questions.” A great question or idea is unlikely to bear fruit if it flits across our mind and is gone. Creative individuals in almost every domain keep notebooks in which they record sketches, snatches of dialogue, intriguing story

Students can be taught to capture questions in a variety of domains using writers’ journals, scientists’ observation notebooks or artists’ sketchpads. We can also teach the value of capturing questions by recording interesting questions raised in class that cannot be immediately explored. Posting such questions on a bulletin board sends the message that questions are valuable.

If you’d like to read more about problem finding, see Creativity in the Classroom: Schools of Curious Delight, particularly the sample lessons in the Appendix. Here’s one example. The lessons were designed for elementary school students but can easily be adapted for other levels. As you develop strategies for teaching and supporting problem finding, I’d love to hear about them.

15 thoughts on “Problem Finding

  1. Pingback: Have Instruments, Will Question | creativiteach

  2. Pingback: Be An Explorer of the World | creativiteach

  3. Pingback: Problem Finding and Alien Flowers: The Road to Problem Finding | creativiteach

  4. Pingback: M I Curious? You Bet! | creativiteach

  5. Pingback: New Year’s Resolutions for September Part 1 | creativiteach

  6. Pingback: Frozen Code and More Problems | creativiteach

  7. Pingback: Are You Bored? Brilliant? | creativiteach

  8. Pingback: Preserving the Wonder Within | creativiteach

  9. Pingback: Design Education 3.0: the unknown unknowns | Mapping Complex Information. Theory and Practice

  10. 1. That curiosity is very important for all ages, teachers can help teach the value of curiosity by their examples, and that playing and wondering are important to finding problems while being still interesting.

    2. This could be helpful to finding a problem because it shows what problem finding consists of.

    3. Yea it was helpful because it showed me that asking questions and being curios is important.

    4. I think that it was helpful because it helped me with finding a problem.


  11. 1) In my opinion the most important things from this article are 1)Even when answers aren’t clear we recognize that exploring it was interesting enough. 2)We should learn to enjoy questions. 3)Exploring is a valuable thing.

    2)It could help someone who’s looking for a question to know that as long as the subject interests them, they should question it.

    3)yes, now I’m trying to find a question that will be exciting to answer.

    4)I thought it was interesting the way the author put their thoughts into words, i like the author’s new ideas and perspectives about problem-finding.


  12. 1. In my eyes the three most important topics from this article is
    * Exploring with interest entails approaching that world with curiosity.
    * Playing and wondering
    * Creativity
    2. This article could help someone look for their answers by giving them idea and to study a subject more that interests them, and if it interests them enough they could question it to find more detailed answers.
    3. Yes, this article helped me understand what needs to be done, now i just need to find a subject that i can study that will be more exciting to answer.
    4. The biggest thing that caught my eye in this article is when it stated that ” Students can be taught that to ask questions is as important as to answer them. i thought it was interest to see how the author started the whole article off.


  13. The three most important things in this article would be one, the problem, two the questions, and three the mind set of trying to find a problem and how to solve it. This article has many different problem solving examples. And so if you wanted to, or needed help with a situation this article would help you. This article helped me but also didn’t help me, Iliked all the examples it gave but I wish it talked more about how we could fix the problem and what are they ways we could fix it, real life examples with people would help me understand the best. In conclusion I would be able to under stand more clearly if real examples would be in this story.


  14. Pingback: “Kid-Created” Can Differentiate It: Creating for a Purpose and an Audience – Big Ideas for Little Scholars

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